
The program has now been finalised.

Day 1: Parramatta South


Time Speaker Subject
0900-0910 Omar Mubin, Simon Burrows Welcome
Morning Session: Living and Working with Robots and AIs, chair: Omar Mubin
0910-1000 Mari Velonaki Social Robotics: Experiential design as a key driver to an engaging human robot interaction
1000-1030 Jakub Złotowski The role of anthropomorphism in Human-Robot Interaction
1030-1050 Coffee Break
1050-1120 Adel Al-Jumaili The realism of computational intelligence in children rehabilitation applications
1120-1150 Chris Chesher Robotic camera movement and the any-movement-whatever
1150-1220 Mauricio Novoa New ways of being that redesign human and machine identities, labor and participation in a 4.0 revolution of industry and humanities
1220-1240 Frédéric Gilbert The Robot in my Head. What are the Risks of Interacting with an implantable Brain-Computer Interface that ‘Knows Better’?
1240-1340 Lunch
Afternoon Session: Living and Working with Robots and AIs, chair: Max Cappuciano
1340-1430 Simeon Simoff TBC
1430-1500 Dan Hutto Social Cognition meets Ex Machina: Wittgensteinian Worries about Social Robotics
1500-1520 Coffee break
1520-1610 Toby Walsh AI and Ethics: Why all the fuss?
1610-1700 Simon Burrows, chair Roundtable: Skillsets for the AI society: the role of the humanities and social sciences.
Panellists: Mari Velonaki, Dan Hutto, Mauricio Novoa, Toby Walsh and Simeon Simoff
1800 onwards Social dinner at Hyderabad House, to be followed by drinks

Day 2: Parramatta City


Time Speaker Subject
Morning Session: Virtuous Robots: Artifical Agents and the Good Life, chair: Simon Burrows
0900-0950 Rob Sparrow Virtues and vices in our relationships with robots: Is there an asymmetry and how might it be explained?
0950-1010 Mohammad Obaid Designing assistant classroom robots – a child-centered approach
1010-1030 Eduardo Benitez Sandoval Robot addiction: From science fiction representation to real addiction.
1030-1050 Coffee Break
1050-1140 Max Cappuccio Pinocchio Doctrine. Exposing the paradox of robotic nature
1140-1210 Nicole Robinson Psychometric Measures of Incentives and Self-Efficacy to Interact with a Social Humanoid Robot
1210-1300 Massimiliano Cappuccio, chair Roundtable: How robots can make us better humans.
Panellists: Rob Sparrow, Christoph Bartneck, Heikki Ikaheimo, Eleanor Sandry
1300-1400 Lunch
Afternoon Session: Virtuous Robots: Artifical Agents and the Good Life, chair: Omar Mubin
1400-1450 Christoph Bartneck Robots and Racism Revisited
1450-1520 Eleanor Sandry Virtuous human-robot assemblages: trust and tempered anthropomorphism
1520-1550 Heikki Ikaheimo Robots and recognition – what it would mean and could there be any?
1550-1610 Coffee break
1610-1630 Liam Magee Hypothetical Machines: Innovation, Labour, and Reward in an age of AI
1630-1650 Tsung-Hsing Ho Don’t Save Me, Let Me Die!”: On the Relation between Robots and Humans