The realism of computational intelligence in children rehabilitation applications


Adel Ali Al-Jumaily (UTS)


The talk will introduce the problems associated with the children rehabilitation biomedical applications based on computational intelligence and will emphasis on the realism of using computational intelligence and possible realistic machine learning. It will cover bio-signal/image processing and pattern recognition; it will highlight on the EMG based driven systems. It will include a novel working myoelectric controller for an autism, children mobility, and hand rehabilitation device that can deal with such issues. The proposed systems are based on computational intelligence techniques that included developing an accurate pattern recognition, which can work well in real time. It will also cover image pattern recognition for skin cancer and the realism approach.


Dr. Adel Al-Jumaily is Associate Professor in the University of Technology Sydney. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (AI). His research covers the fields of Computational Intelligence, Bio-Mechatronic Systems, Health and Biomedical Technology, Vision-based cancer diagnosing, and Bio-signal/image pattern recognition. Adel has developed a novel approach for Electromyogram (EMG) control of prosthetic devices for rehabilitation and contributed to signal/image processing, and computer vision. He has successfully developed many nature-based algorithms for bio-signal/image pattern recognition problems. Adel sits on the editorial boards of a number of journals and is chair or technical committee member for more than 60 international conferences. He is now Editor-in-Chief of one journal and an Associate Editor-in-Chief of two Journals. He is a senior member of IEEE and many other professional committees.

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